Good Neighbours
Sea Mills & Coombe Dingle
Community Hub Update #7
16 September 2020
Dear people,
I have been asked to tell you about Shine On (, which is a local campaign to prevent suicide and provide access to mental health resources. There is an A5 booklet I can email to you if you are interested, and a number of varied local events coming up which should be both informative and entertaining, so do have a look at the web site.
We have a number of requests for volunteers.
- ---- is an older man with mild dementia but still able to hold a conversation. He is a pleasant and interesting chap, who has spent most of his life in this area apart from his national service. He would appreciate a visit for an hour or so each week or most weeks, ideally from a man - he doesn't have many men to talk with, as his main contacts are his daughters and a female carer. The main contact is one of the daughters, who is very appreciative of anyone who will take an interest in him.
- ---- lives in Shirehampton and needs someone to collect a prescription for her from Asda at Patchway most weeks.
- ---- would appreciate someone to visit her. She is in a wheelchair, and can't get out of her flat on her own. If you can't visit, then a phone call would make a difference.
- ---- would like someone to ring him - preferably someone interested in motorcycles, but right now, he is keen to talk with anyone.
Please let me know if you might be able to respond to any of these requests.
It has been suggested that WhatsApp might be a good way to circulate support requests and let you have contact details, as the messages are secure. Please can you reply to this email and let me know if that would work for you? Thank you.
Thank you very much in advance for your help. As always, if you have any questions or need any support in what you are doing, do let me know.
All the best,