This is a list of useful tools and links to other resources and
sources of help. Please let us know if you have any suggestions
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Local Information
Social Prescribing
- Evidence for the economic impact of social prescribing ,
University of Westminster, June 2017.
- Making sense of
social prescribing , University of Westminster, probably 2017.
- Evidence to inform
the commissioning of social prescribing , University
of York, 2015.
- What is social prescribing? The King's Fund, 2017.
- Developing a social prescribing approach for Bristol,
University of the West of England, 2013.
- Social prescribing for
mental health , an undated report produced by the Centre
for Welfare Reform, Care Services Improvement Partnership. It
contains a useful section on Measuring Success.
- What Does Social Prescribing Mean for GPs?,
an article on GP Online.