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Good Neighbours
Sea Mills & Coombe Dingle
Community Hub Update #6
13 August 2020

Dear people,

Many thanks for your responses. And well done! There was a good amount to report, and we didn't tell all of it. I attach a copy of the report which went to the council - I hope you feel that I took what you said and represented it fairly. If you have any comments or corrections, do let me know - I'll probably be doing a small update, as I have had another response since producing this. So if you didn't manage to reply in time, you are not too late for version 2.

We are starting to get referrals through the local social prescribing scheme and a few are still coming in through the council. These are not necessarily Covid-19 related, except that the virus has significantly changed most of our lives, and many people are still working out how to make their life work in the new reality. Whatever the reason, we have been asked to help these people.

  • ----, an older chap with mild dementia. He is a pleasant and interesting chap, who has spent most of his life in this area apart from his national service. He would appreciate a visit for an hour or so each week or most weeks, ideally from a man - he doesn't have many men to talk with, as his main contacts are his daughters and a female carer. The main contact is one of the daughters, who is very appreciative of anyone who will take an interest in him.
  • ---- has been divorced for some time, is disabled and lives with her son in his thirties, who also has difficulty going out. She has quite a background, including being a nurse and running a pig farm - presumably not at the same time! She would like a lady to talk to on the telephone once a week.
  • ---- has a fairly urgent need for someone to collect a prescription for her from Asda at Patchway by (or ideally before) Tuesday morning (18 August).
  • ---- also has two Chihuahuas, which she is looking for someone to walk around the streets (not on grass!) for an hour once or twice a week.

Please get back to me as soon as you can if you are able to help any of these people. Thank you for your responses, and thank you for all the ongoing activity and the relationships which are strengthening as a result. It is making a real difference to people's lives!

All the best,
